DNA testing

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DNA Paternity testing - Myths and Facts


A Google search of ‘DNA testing’ has 16.5 million results – so how do you separate the marketing hype from the reality? Have you seen these claims?
 ‘Leading laboratory’ –is an unsubstantiated claim as there is no governing body to access which laboratory is leading and who is not.
 ‘Cutting edge’ every laboratory uses the same equipment as there is only one supplier ,so all laboratories are using the same equipment and are therefore all cutting edge
 ‘Robotics’ just means that the extraction of the DNA is automated. Not of any benefit and is expensive and prone to breakdown. You don’t need robotics to process DNA samples.
 ‘Tested 200,000 samples’ most of these large processing factories test all sorts of samples such as cat, dog, horse, bird DNA and even dog poo! These companies have not tested hundreds of thousands of human paternity cases.
 ‘uses a NATA laboratory’ means that they are just an office front and they send their samples to a DNA processing factory which charges the cheapest processing fee. Some of these may be overseas and for non-legal cases may be unaccredited and not creditable.
 ‘Greater accuracy with testing more markers’. Testing more markers than 16 is not necessary as the International standard testing used by major Forensic Laboratories and cited in the scientific literature is 16 markers. Why do companies make you pay for extra and unnecessary testing?
 ‘DNA samples from toothbrushes or cigarettes’. Sadly CSI does not show the reality of DNA testing. Using such samples may give an inaccurate result as the sample could be contaminated with another person’s DNA. Remember the sample we test is just a few cells and you need to be sure those cells can from the right person. Toothpaste also contains bleach which interferes with the DNA sample.
 Fetal DNA testing sounds great as collecting the baby’s sample does not place your baby at risk. Your Fetal Medicine Specialist or obstetrician will recommend a CVS or amniocentesis for the baby’s DNA sample as they are the “gold standard”. Ask your medical specialist if they recommend free-fetal DNA testing before you proceed with a DNA company offering this test.
 ‘DNA specialists’ what does that mean? Does the person at your DNA company have a science degree and specialization in DNA testing or are they an office worker? Are they creditable?

Facts to consider
 Paternity testing can have life changing results. You should use a DNA specialist laboratory not a broker who subcontracts to a processing laboratory.
 Your testing laboratory needs a NATA/ ISO 17025 accreditation.
 Your DNA company should contain DNA Paternity specialist scientists- make sure you can discuss your case with a DNA specialist with medical or scientific qualifications.
 You should be confident that your DNA company is reputable.
To speak to a scientist at a NATA/ISO 17025 accredited laboratory contact DNA QLD. DNA QLD is a Brisbane laboratory which is owned and operated by a Medical Specialist and an Allied Health specialist. DNA QLD is a specialist DNA company testing paternity and immigration family reunion cases exclusively.
Phone 1300 172 837/ 1800 362 753
NATA http://www.nata.asn.au/index.php/facilitiesandlabs/?c=Paternity+testing&f=field3&parent=forensic+science&k=18.20.1,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hapy outcomes from DNA paternity testing

DNA QLD has had some happy outcomes this week. An adopted child has found their biological father and a father and son were united . The father was not aware of the existance of his son who lived overseas , and consequently they were reunited . The son aged 45 made contact with a father he did not know existed. The adopted child now has an extended family .

Friday, May 21, 2010

DNA QLD interpreting a paternity result

People think that a DNA paternity test will give a “yes” or “no” answer. The truth is that it is slightly a bit more complicated than that. In the vast majority of tests, either an “inclusion” or “exclusion” result will be reported.
What an Inclusion Means:
An inclusion is reported with a probability of paternity (POP) of 99% or more and a match is found at all genetic markers tested. In an inclusion report, it is stated that the alleged father “cannot be excluded” as being the biological father of the tested child. These three words often create a lot of confusion. This wording is used since an inclusion can not ever be reported at 100%. However, the combined paternity index (CPI) should also be looked at, as it can help to make the results more understandable. First though, it should be understood that the bare minimum for reporting an inclusion result is with a POP of 99% and a CPI of 100 (alleged father and child only) or 500 (alleged father, child and mother). Since our laboratory utilizes an advanced analysis of sixteen genetic markers as a standard, we normally see POPs and CPIs far exceed the minimum requirement. So, when the CPI is say, 100,000, it can be interpreted as a 1 in 100,000 (of the defined male racial population) certainty that the alleged father is the biological father of the tested child.
What an Exclusion Means:
An exclusion is reported with a POP of 0.00%. In an exclusion result, it will be seen that at at least two genetic markers, there is a non-match. In an exclusion report, it is stated that the alleged father “was excluded” as being the biological father of the tested child. When an exclusion is reported, a second, independent test will be performed to confirm that the exclusion can be duplicated.
Other Possibilities:
Another possible result may be an inclusion with a mutation. In most cases, an inclusion result means that at all tested genetic markers, a match is found. However, sometimes an inclusion can be reported when all but one marker has a match (or, in rare cases, two). Known mutations have a specific frequency in various racial populations and, often, that frequency is low. So, when the mutation frequency is figured into the formula for calculating the POP, it can possibly cause the POP to fall below 99%. To confirm mutations, it is always recommended that the mother test, if she has not already, or to perform extended testing of additional markers.

DNA testing of newborns at DNA QLD

DNA QLD is helping an increasing number of new parents with confirmning the paternity of their new born baby. The resons are varied; women proving their partner's paternity, men unsure if they are the father, grandparents wishing to confirm if they are related to a new baby, and men unsure if they should put their name on a birth certificate.

Paternity can be determined by taking a mouth swab from a newborn on the day of birth. Samples at DNA QLD are processed within 2 working days and then once relationships are confirmed, bonding with the new baby can occur. We believe it is better to sort out any uncertainty about parenthood as soon as possible. This is in the best interests of mother , father and most importantly the baby.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DNA Paternity information

Before you can understand the importance of paternity testing, you must first understand the DNA element involved and why DNA is used to establish paternity. DNA is the pattern for your genetic makeup. Each and every person has a different pattern of DNA. However, persons belonging to certain ethnic backgrounds, certain races, or simply certain features, can have DNA that shows related characteristics. No two people, except for identical twins will have the same DNA.

Every person has 46 chromosomes in each cell. The only exceptions are the sperm and egg cells. They each have 23. At the moment of conception, however, the 23 chromosome from the sperm and egg combine to form 46, and at that moment, you have the chromosomes needed to create a new person. This pattern for your genetic makeup is a combination of maternal DNA and paternal DNA. In other words, half your makeup is your mother’s and half is your father’s. Now, since the mother would be the person giving birth, there is no dispute about maternal proof. She was there at birth. But what about paternal proof? How do you determine the identity of the father, without a shred of doubt?

Enter DNA paternity testing. DNA testing works in the following way. The DNA of the child is tested. A test strip of DNA “bands” is established. The DNA is then tested from the alleged father. If the child and the man share common “bands” in a number of different locations, then paternity is established with 99.9999 percent accuracy. That is as accurate as the results can be.

This is a seemingly simple test, to have such a staggering effect on the people’s lives that are involved. Entire families have been ripped apart over paternity issues. However,other lives have been repaired and reunited and this is the most common scenario. Lives have been forever changed, thanks to one little DNA test.

Today, paternity testing is utilized to decide custody cases, establish legitimate child support cases, influence adoption proceedings, and to aid in claiming inheritance by providing proof of relationship. By far, however, the largest use of DNA testing is in determining paternity issues. Most courts accept 99.99 percent positive as equal to a result of 100%.

There are tests available that can be used at home, but in the case of a legal battle, or establishing legal paternity, only the tests conducted by certified and licensed facilities will be allowed.

Call DNA QLD and the staff can explain the difference between the types of test and facilitate the collection for you .

Reference: http://www.articledashboard.com

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Paternity testing is easy

DNA can be effectively collected using a painless buccal swab. This involves using a cotton swab to collect cells from the inside of the cheek of the people being tested. There's no blood samples anymore! The cotton swabs are packaged and sent to the lab to be examined,and are analyzed for a DNA match. The entire process is easy, quick, and pain-free. Worrying about the test being painful or uncomfortable is no longer a good excuse for not finding out whether or not you are the father of a child!

Despite the ease and speed of the process of a paternity test you still need to prepare yourself for emotional repercussions. It is a physically pain-free process however it could have an emotional impact on your life. If your partner is not expecting you to ask for a paternity test it could cause stress within your relationship as your partner may take your request as a direct accusation of infidelity. Even worse, finding out you are not the father of a child you believed to be yours can make you question your relationship with the child and leave you unsure of your next step. However, even with all of these possible emotional outcomes a DNA test is still the right choice if you are questioning your biological relationship with a child. Otherwise you are doing you and your child a disservice! You will always wonder whether or not they are really yours, which can even translate into resentment in your relationship with your child. The earlier you take the test the more you can restrict the negative results that come from an unexpected result.

Knowing how easy and pain-free DNA paternity testing is makes this decision much easier. When you make the choice to get a paternity test you can be confident that the test will go smoothly and give you the answers you need.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why have a DNA paternity test?

A pregnant woman or woman who has already given birth to a child may wonder who her baby's biological father is if she had more than one sexual partner around the time of ovulation and conception. This is not an unusual situation as some women will fall pregnant between relationships and be uncertain of the paternity of the child.
A woman may want to know who the biological father is for more than just her peace of mind. Knowing who the biological father is will protect the child's rights. It will provide a medical history for the child ensuring the doctor to better manage the child's health. Knowing who the biological father is will also allow access to legal and social benefits including Child Support payments. If the biological father wants to actively participate in his child's life, it will also help to strengthen the father/child bond.
A woman's extended family may want to bond with the child, but have some uncertainity if they are not sure if the child is related to them.